How I Accidentally Created a Paper Pulp Flower Holder (And Why You’ll Love Making One Too)

You know those little happy accidents that happen while you're crafting? Well, that’s exactly how this paper pulp flower holder came to be. I was working on another decorative bowl project made out of paper pulp, and realized I needed something to hold the flowers in place. And voilà – this stand was born!

The design is super simple, almost laughably so. All you need is a bowl, some paper pulp, and a few easy-to-find items. You can get it standing proudly on a table, or you can take it to the walls! Just add a hook or hang it on a nail – it's as versatile as your imagination allows.

The natural grayish hue of the paper pulp gives it a minimalist, raw look that I love, but if that's not your thing, feel free to paint it in any color that sparks joy. I just find there's something beautifully imperfect about that natural texture, don't you think?

What You'll Need to Make the Paper Pulp Flower Holder

Before we dive into the step-by-step process, let's gather all the supplies. Here’s your checklist:

Paper Pulp – The secret ingredient! I've already shown how to make this in this post. It’s eco-friendly and super easy to prepare.

A Bowl – Any shape or size you like, as long as it's the base for your holder. Get creative – the bowl will set the form of your stand.

Plastic Wrap (Optional but Recommended) – So, you won’t see this in my photos – oops! Lesson learned. Using plastic wrap makes it a breeze to remove the still-damp stand from the bowl and helps with drying the bottom more easily.

A Marker – To sketch out the placement of the flower stems on your stand.

Mini Rotary Tool – Perfect for drilling those little holes for the flowers. If you don’t have one, an electric nail drill works like a charm – I promise, no need for fancy tools.

Optional Sandpaper & Paint – If you want a smoother finish or a pop of color, sandpaper can help even out the surface, and paint can give it any look you like!

Prep the Bowl and Start Shaping the Pulp

First things first – line the inside of your bowl with plastic wrap. Try to keep it smooth and taut, avoiding any creases (they can transfer onto your flower holder and make it harder to work with later). Once the plastic wrap is in place, it's time to start adding your paper pulp.

I recommend spreading a layer about 1-1.5 cm thick. You want to avoid making the walls too thin – while the paper pulp is surprisingly sturdy, it can crack if the structure is too delicate. So, go ahead and add a bit of extra thickness – better safe than sorry.

Let It Dry (And Be Patient!)

Now that you’ve got your paper pulp in place, let it dry for a bit. You’re aiming for that sweet spot – the pulp should be firm enough to hold its shape but still damp enough to be flexible. Once you see it's ready to come out of the mold, gently lift the edges of the plastic wrap and carefully remove the pulp form from the bowl.

Place the paper pulp stand somewhere safe where it can dry completely. Remember to rotate it occasionally – this helps ensure even drying on all sides and prevents any warping or cracking. It might take a little while to dry fully, but trust me, the wait is worth it!

Adding Holes for Your Flowers

Once your paper pulp stand is completely dry, it’s time to prepare it for your floral arrangement! Take a marker and gently sketch where you want the holes to be – think about how you’d like your flowers to be arranged. The number and placement of holes will depend on your design vision.

Drill & Shape

Now comes the fun part – grab your mini rotary tool (or electric nail drill) and carefully drill holes where you marked. Make sure the holes are big enough for your flower stems to fit through comfortably. Take your time and go slowly – this is where your stand truly starts to take shape!

Finishing Touches & Flaunt Your Flower Holder

And just like that – your paper pulp flower holder is ready to shine! Whether you decide to display it standing on a table or hang it on the wall, it’s bound to add a natural, minimalist touch to your space. Play around with different flowers, grasses, or even dried plants – the possibilities are endless.

Remember, this project is all about creativity and personal style. Each stand will have its own unique character, and that’s what makes it so special.


DIY: Raw Elegance: How to Create a Paper Pulp Bowl